Green Lanterns #4 REVIEW - Jessica's Rage against Simon
After being disappointed in Jessica Cruz's misstep that allowed the rage to infect Bleez again in Green Lanterns Issue #3, I found myself rooting for her to fight the rage herself in Green Lanterns Issue #4.
At the end of Issue #3, Simon Baz detects that his partner in defending Sector 2814 is in fact rage-infected, and for a good chunk of this issue he must do all he can to re-inspire her confidence and help her fight the rage to become a true Green Lantern again.
This issue isn't one for major plot development at all, and that's how these books have kind of gone so far to begin this series, which makes sense considering the new character dynamic that Sam Humphries is introducing to all of us with the two new Green Lanterns added to the list of humans that have protected Sector 2814 in sum total.
I've mentioned before how important I feel this series is for the purposes of minority representation with both Jessica being Latin American and Simon being Lebanese-American, and one of the most important things that needs to be done in this series is the establishment of both character dynamics, not just together but also separately on their own. One of the biggest takeaways from these characters in this series is just how vulnerable and human they are throughout the chaos that they find themselves in. They are unsure of themselves at times and completely sure of themselves at other times. They make good moves and mistakes along the way. They show concern for their own families as well as their fellow man and these qualities make Simon and Jessica two of the most relatable superheroes one could ever read in DC Comics.
At some point soon we will have to get back to the plot advancement majorly to see just Atrocitus and the Red Lanterns are up to as the entire planet is continuing to be infected with rage, but that's only half of the journey with this arc as the other half is about the heroes adjusting to their new roles together. It's a very stark contrast to the Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps series where that is very much centered around older characters and what once was and how it can be reclaimed, whereas this series is purely about the new characters and what they could become, not just here but also as part of the Justice League as they are in the new Rebirth series of that book as well.
Green Lanterns is one of my favorites right now as well and is continuing the strong buddy cop dynamic that I hope never goes away with Jessica and Simon. It's hilarious, heartwarming, uplifting and flat out fun to read at times.
5 out of 5 - DC UNIVERSE REBIRTH - Green Lanterns #4
This series runs twice a month, next issue due out August 17.